The Conference intends to promote an active dialogue among researchers with different specializations and backgrounds, to create an opportunity to discuss the study of mining and metallurgical processes and impact on society, conservation science and to discuss the application of modern methods and techniques used to investigate metallurgical questions. The purpose is to encourage the interaction between institutions and researchers and promote contacts between scholars from different countries and research areas.
We welcome contributions on recently excavated sites, analysis results of related finds, new examination methods, latest results of comparative studies, and new trends and results in experimental archaeometallurgy.
The sessions of the conference will cover the following main themes:
- Mines, Mining and Mining heritage
- Metals, metallurgy and societies
- Archaeometallurgy of copper and copper-based alloys
- Archaeometallurgy of iron
- Archaeometallurgy of precious metals and other non-ferrous metals
- Technology transfers over space and time
- The long and historical perspective ‒ mining and environmental impact
Download the abstract book HERE.
Posters with the following themes will be displayed at First Hotel Grand:
- 3. Archaeometallurgy of copper and copper-based alloys
- 4. Archaeometallurgy of iron
Posters with the following themes will be displayed at Dalarnas museum:
- 1. Mines, Mining and Mining heritage
- 2. Metals, metallurgy and societies
- 5. Archaeometallurgy of precious metals and other non-ferrous metals
- 6. Technology transfers over space and time
- 8. Latest experiences of related archaeometric methods and technologies
See HERE for a list of all posters.
Congress secretariat

E-mail: aie2024falun.se@reedmackay.com
Phone: +46 (0)18 18 35 35 (Tuesday-Thursday at 9.00-12.00)